The Butler Hill Group looks for a native or near-native Vietnamese Linguist with background in phonetics

Thứ hai - 15/03/2010 21:02

The Butler Hill Group, a virtual computational linguistics consulting company, maintains a world-wide network of highly-skilled linguists, computer scientists, language experts and research librarians with expertise in the natural language issues of computer technology   

The Butler Hill Group                                   
looks for a native or near-native Vietnamese Linguist
with background in phonetics
The Butler Hill Group, a virtual computational linguistics consulting company, maintains a world-wide network of highly-skilled linguists, computer scientists, language experts and research librarians with expertise in the natural language issues of computer technology.
We have an immediate need – start date May 1, 2010 – for a native or near-native Vietnamese Linguist with background in phonetics.
Qualified candidates need to be linguists who are native or near-native speakers in Vietnamese. They need to have linguist experience with next normalization and phonetic transcription with recent experience living in and/or educated in Vietnam.
IMPORTANT: This is a two-part assignment consisting of:
Assignment A
May 1-July 3, 2010
30 hours per week to be performed remotely
Tasks: General Language Support, including:
         Auditive evaluation of TTS synthesis
         Evaluation of TTS normalization
         Specification and evaluation of Text Normalization entries, documentation etc.
Assignment B
Aug 1-Oct 31, 2010
Full-time (40 hours/week) on-site work with the client in Belgium
Tasks: Voice development work, including:
         Design of text corpora for recording and testing
         Processing speech data
         Making recordings with a professional voice talent
         Creating and tuning the TTS voice
         Testing and productization of the TTS voice
Travel expenses and housing in Belgium for 3 months will be covered
Butler Hill Group Requirements:
Projects require excellent English reading, writing and communication skills. Strong computer skills in a Windows environment and greater than average comfort with software and technology are expected. For this project it is required that you work in a PC (Windows or Vista) environment. The tools required are not supported by Mac. When applying, please specify the level of fluency in the target language. US residents must have US work authorization (US citizen or permanent resident). Unfortunately, the Butler Hill Group cannot sponsor employment visas at this time. You will be required to sign a legally binding non-disclosure agreement at the time of contract negotiation.
These are part-time contract positions. Although there are no geographic requirements regarding remote work location, candidates are expected to be timely in their communication and regularly available for some email or phone correspondence.
Project Start: 05/01/10
Project End: 10/01/10
 Compensation:         We offer a competitive, hourly pay rate
Wendy Ng
HR Director,
Butler Hill Group



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